ProteinsHow to Eat Healthy at Work

How to Eat Healthy at Work

As summer comes to an end, it’s back to school and back to work for many. Re-establishing a healthy eating routine after a long holiday can be challenging, but with some planning and focus, it quickly becomes much easier.

One of the main things people slip up on is not eating enough protein throughout the day. Protein offers a range of benefits, from the muscle building and weight loss benefits we all know to even reducing cravings and improving your mood.

In this guide, we’ll provide five practical tips for eating healthily as you return to work, including ideas for healthy breakfasts, balanced lunches and energising snacks all packed with protein to keep you full and focused throughout the day.

1.  Start Your Day with a Simple and Nutritious Breakfast

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day. Not only does it kick-start your metabolism and give you the energy you need to get things done, our research has shown that skipping breakfast actually impacts your productivity and causes the biggest afternoon slump. The ideal breakfast includes a mixture of protein, fibre and complex carbohydrates to provide you with a steady supply of energy throughout the morning.

If time is on your side, enjoy a filling breakfast of poached eggs and avocado on whole-grain toast or a quick vegetable omelette. Our Loaded Protein Pancakes are another great option. These pancakes don’t just taste delicious – they’re packed with over 20g of protein and are low in sugar for a slow, sustained release of energy.

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If you need something quick and easy, steer clear of sugary cereals and try our Protein Porridge 360. Just add hot water, leave it to stand for one minute and you’re done! Each bowl is packed with protein, fibre and slow-release carbohydrates to keep you fuller for longer.

Another way to ensure you always have time for a healthy breakfast before work is to prepare it before you go to bed. Try our Overnight Oats or make a smoothie or breakfast shake ahead of time so that you can fuel on the go – or even once you’re at your desk.

2.  Pack Balanced Lunches

When you’re busy at work it can be tricky to find time for a proper lunch break. The easiest option is often to grab a meal deal, but these tend to be high in unhealthy fats, refined carbs and added sugars, which can leave you feeling sluggish .

Instead, take time to prepare yourself a healthy lunch like a hearty salad or grain bowl. Aim to include a variety of nutrients in your lunch, including lean protein (like chicken, tofu or beans), fibre-rich carbs (like quinoa, sweet potato or brown rice) and plenty of vegetables. To make things easier, you can even prepare your lunch the night before – or bring leftovers from dinner – to save you time in the morning or during your lunch break.

For those really short on time, our Savoury SuperMeals and SuperSoups are excellent time-saving solutions and a great way to get protein, vitamins and minerals into your diet. Both are made in under five minutes and have all the nutrients you need to stay energised and focused throughout the day.

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3.  Prepare for Cravings

It can be particularly challenging to stick to healthy habits when it comes to snacking. When that mid-afternoon hunger strikes it’s tempting to reach for a quick fix like crisps and chocolate bars. And while there’s nothing wrong with enjoying these treats occasionally, they can cause a spike in blood sugar and lead to an energy crash, leaving you feeling more tired and hungry later on.

For a more balanced approach, try keeping healthier options at hand – a banana with a handful of nuts, a protein bar or raw vegetables and hummus. High-protein snacks will keep you fuller for longer, stabilise your blood sugar and help sustain your energy levels between meals. And they can still be delicious and satisfying too!

Of course, if you want a treat, enjoy it! But making healthier snacks your go-to choice can help you feel more energised throughout the day.

4.  Prep for the Week

Planning and preparing your meals in advance is a great way to stay on track and ensure that you always have something healthy to eat – reducing the temptation to reach for fast food or less healthy snacks. Choose a day, like Sunday, to meal plan and batch cook your breakfasts, lunches or dinners for the week to make your workdays easier.

Some healthy meal ideas for batch cooking include grain salads, roasted vegetables, stews and soups. It’s also a great idea to freeze extra portions so that you always have something on hand in case of last-minute emergencies.

This approach not only promotes healthier eating but also makes food shopping more affordable – and it reduces food waste too.

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5.  Stay Hydrated

We sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking throughout the day. Staying properly hydrated can help reduce these false hunger signals, especially during the mid-afternoon slump when energy levels tend to dip.

Keep a water bottle at your desk and aim to drink regularly throughout the day to stay hydrated – six to eight glasses of water is the daily recommendation. This will also help to maintain your energy levels and focus, making getting through the workday that much easier.

The Take Home

With some planning and focus, you’ll find it significantly easier to maintain a healthy diet while settling back into a work routine. While most of these tips are universal, the best way to fuel your body ultimately depends on the type of work you do and your daily routine. For more in-depth information, check out our guide on how to adjust your nutrition to suit your career.

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